The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment has empowered individuals for over 80 years and is used by high school, college students and adults seeking a change in their quest for a rewarding and fulfilling career. The Strong test was recently revised and reflects all the latest changes in the world of work and study and offers unparalleled reliability and validity more powerful than ever. The iStart Strong Career Report is a brand new report option and does not require an interpretation. The report has been designed in a simple format so is very easy to read and understand your results.

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iStart Strong Career Report



Are you Investigative or Conventional or Enterprising?

This is the Official Strong Interest Inventory® from CPP, Inc., the exclusive publisher of the iStart Strong Interest Inventory. It has been in use for over 80 years and is the most widely used career planning tool in the world. Take it now and chart a plan for achieving your satisfying career!

Whether you are just starting out in your career or thinking about changing careers, you will benefit from the wealth of information contained in your iStart Strong Career Report.

This report is designed for individual use only and is not intended for purchase through our site by career counselors and other third parties. There is not a phone consultation included with your report. All international payments are accepted. The testing website is available 24 hours a day and your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed!

The Strong assessment has 291 items and will take about 40 minutes to complete. Just click from the receipt screen to the assessment and then view your results instantly!

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